deKay's Lofi Gaming

Geometry Wars Evolved 2 (360)

Once more, The Rev thought he could beat my scores. In fact, he’d only beaten my King score (although his cheat-obtained Deadline score still stands), but not by a huge amount. After a few (say, 30) goes I’d beaten him by around a million points. Hurrah! Sadly, the news was not so good for Deadline. I beat my own score by another 300,000 or so, but didn’t manage to topple The Rev from his perch. Yet.

Geometry Wars Evolved 2 (360)

So The Rev thought he could beat four of my scores, eh? Of course, they didn’t last long. I’d soon overtaken three of them again, and then went and improved even further on the two he couldn’t beat anyway (Pacifism and Sequence). I’m nice like that. Oh, and his Deadline score? He cheated. I’ve reported him for it. I was also nice to Something Witty, mainly by sending him messages while he was trying to beat my scores.

Geometry Wars Evolved 2 (360)

Hah! So That Rev Chap thought he could take me on today! Only his scores were thwarted with ease, and once again I was Champion. Champion of, erm, some, anyway. Later, I played again and almost completed Sequence mode. I can do the first 10 levels, without dying or using bombs, but not all in the same go. Which is a shame, as if I could do it, I’m pretty much guaranteed to complete the other 10 with the 5 …

Geometry Wars Evolved 2 (360)

So, Something Witty thought he could claw back some of his rankings, did he? Of the six modes, he’d overtaken me on 3 by the time I got to play this morning. Naturally, I slew his so called “high scores” easily. And then distanced myself from him even further on those he failed to beat me on. After that, to rub salt into his wounds, I spent a merry hour mopping up some of the achievements he hasn’t got. I …

Geometry Wars Evolved 2 (360)

I predicted on Usenet that GWE2 was likely to only be half the game Geometry Wars: Galaxies on the Wii was. And, having bought it, I was pretty much right. But that doesn’t mean it’s bad. Not in the slightest – it’s still amazing. It only had 6 “levels” (or rather, modes of play), but they’re more varied in rules than those in Galaxies. This evening’s play was supposed to be a quick go to see how it plays. An …

Geometry Wars Evolved (360)

Ubarpowaz! On my second attempt today (after a long break from the game) I managed about 340,000 points! OK, so compared to others it is still pretty crap (although I went up about 10 places in my friend list leaderboard), but it’s a big improvement on the 240,000-odd previous best. And it got me another two achievements – 250,000 Points, and Survived 250,000 Points – the latter as I’d not died until after 300,000. And then lost all five lives …